

【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_0【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_1【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_2【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_3【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_4【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_5【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_6【美版】病毒特攻队 Glitch Busters: Stuck on You 中文_7

It’s a normal day on the net, until a virus outbreak turns everything upside-down.  Only your squad of GLITCH BUSTERS can take on the net’s kookiest bugs in an online world gone haywire.

In the far-flung future, the AI that populate the net come under attack by mysterious viruses—and it’s up to your squad of GLITCH BUSTERS to keep them from infecting every AI in the virtual world!

Work alone or together with 3 friends to exterminate viruses across wildly inventive stages, including a towering metropolis and roaring volcano using special magnetic co-op abilities and an arsenal of unlockable weapons.  Play, laugh, and shout with your team to take on the net’s kookiest bugs in an online world gone haywire!

Squad Up with Unique Magnetic Co-op Abilities!
1-4 players or AI bots can party-up and snap together, push away, tackle with magnet-induced momentum, and more! Every action you make can affect your allies, so enjoy the chaos.

It\’s a Crazy, Kooky, Online World
Take on the net’s worst enemies in a wacky online world gone haywire! From Review Mountain to Tube City, the wild online world of GLITCH BUSTERS features a unique 2D transformed to 3D visual style that\’s a little absurd and definitely over the top.

Squad-up with up to 3 other friends on a chaotic quest to clear the net’s biggest threats in inventive stages that take you from a towering metropolis to a roaring volcano. Use never-before-seen magnetic co-op abilities and an arsenal of unlockable weapons to take on a menagerie of viruses that threaten to shutdown the online world for good.



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