

【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_0【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_1【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_2【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_3【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_4【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_5【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_6【美版】停车模拟器 Car Parking Simulator 英语_7

Drive, Drift and Park Muscle Cars and Super-cars, MPV’s, Pickups Trucks, Family Sedans and SUV’s. Keep the area clean with the Road Sweeper truck and make deliveries to the store in the Freight Truck. Drive shoppers to the store in the City Bus and take your family shopping in the Family Car, Camper and 4×4 pickups! There is something for everyone in Car Parking Simulator!

▶ AMAZING CARS: Drive & Park 10 Unique and Different Vehicles
▶ CITY CENTER SUPER STORE: Explore its every corner!
▶ MEGA MULTI-LEVEL: Realistic Multi-Level & Open-Air Parking Lots
▶ DEMANDING CHALLENGES: 50 Precision Driving Missions to Pass!

Visit the realistically detailed parking garage with multiple floors, ramps, entrances and animated features such as opening ticket barriers. Find your way to the parking spaces without crashing and prove you have what it takes to drive a massive selection of vehicles like a pro!

Drive with other traffic, all looking for their parking spaces at the store! Be careful on the roads and make sure not to damage your cars!



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