《为你的复活而战(Fight For Your Resurrection)》TENOKE镜像版[EN]_0

英文名称:Fight For Your Resurrection
游戏制作:Fabio Cecchini
游戏发行:Fabio Cecchini


     《为你的复活而战》是一款带有动态人工智能的格斗游戏,支持立体声,支持游戏手柄。当你输掉一场比赛时,困难程度就会降低! 当你连续赢得两场比赛时,困难程度就会增加! 我敢打赌,你将完成游戏,而不会输掉一场比赛。



需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: 10
处理器: i5 gen7
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: RTX 1050
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
附注事项: (optional not mandatory) for anaglyph experience You need cyan/magenta glasses – You can find them on amazon for few bucks (this is the first game I release with support for Anaglyph and I plan to make more, so if You like things popping out of the screen and deep field of view from Anaglyph 3D technology consider buying Anaglyph glasses in plastic for the best experience for about 2-3 dollars)推荐配置:

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: 11
处理器: i7 gen8
内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡: RTX 2070
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
附注事项: (optional not mandatory) for anaglyph experience You need cyan/magenta glasses – You can find them on amazon for few bucks (this is the first game I release with support for Anaglyph and I plan to make more, so if You like things popping out of the screen and deep field of view from Anaglyph 3D technology consider buying Anaglyph glasses in plastic for the best experience for about 2-3 dollars)
1. 解压缩
2. 载入镜像
3. 安装游戏
4. 复制Crack文件夹下的未加密补丁到游戏目录覆盖
5. 运行游戏游戏截图

《为你的复活而战(Fight For Your Resurrection)》TENOKE镜像版[EN]_1

《为你的复活而战(Fight For Your Resurrection)》TENOKE镜像版[EN]_2

《为你的复活而战(Fight For Your Resurrection)》TENOKE镜像版[EN]_3

《为你的复活而战(Fight For Your Resurrection)》TENOKE镜像版[EN]_4

《为你的复活而战(Fight For Your Resurrection)》TENOKE镜像版[EN]_5



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