

【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_0【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_1【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_2【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_3【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_4【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_5【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_6【美版】索尼克:超级巨星 Sonic Superstars 英语_7

Adventure through the mystical Northstar Islands in this all-new take on classic 2D Sonic high-speed action platforming. Play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy and harness all-new Emerald powers to move and attack in dynamic new ways. Navigate gorgeous, never-before-seen environments solo or with up to 3 other players and stop Dr. Eggman, Fang, and a mysterious new adversary from converting the islands’ giant animals into Badniks before it’s too late!

-A new Spin on a Classic: The 2D Sonic high-speed sidescrolling action platforming you know and love, reimagined with fully 3D graphics, new powers and abilities, an all-new setting, and new ways to play! You’ve never played classic Sonic like this before!

-Play as your Favorite Characters: Choose from Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy and take advantage of their unique abilities to blaze a path across the Northstar Islands as they race to defeat Dr. Eggman, who has teamed up with an old nemesis, Fang, and a mysterious new armored adversary.

-All-New Powers and Abilities: Harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds to multiply, swim up waterfalls, slow time, uncover hidden secrets, and more!

-More Friends, More Fun: For the first time ever in a Sonic game, play through the entire campaign with up to 3 other players with drop-in and drop-out 4-Player Local Co-op.

-Challenge Players From Around the World: Compete locally or online with up to 8 players in the all-new Battle Mode!



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